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Immersive Art Experience Debuts on Beach Drive for Limited Time

“The Long Nights: How the Light Gets In” Offers Rediscovery Through Poetry and Art

Smith & Associates Real Estate, in partnership with The Poetry Bar, presents an immersive art experience celebrating the radiant power of light as a tool for connecting and inspiring joy in our lives. The art installation, "The Long Nights: How the Light Gets In," will be displayed on the terrace steps of Smith's Beach Drive showroom for a limited run of four nights culminating on the final night for the Winter Solstice. Inspired by the Leonard Cohen quote, "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in," celebrated local artist Katee Tully has created an artistic event that weaves poetry, people, music, and objects to help reveal how light travels into our lives.   

"Poetry is like comfort food. You can go to a poem when you are nervous, tired, anxious, and the words will wash over you and within you to bring calm, peace, and often to spark joy. Our Beach Drive art experience will be a rediscovery of how light travels into our lives and bridges the distance between us,” says Katee Tully, founder of Poetry Bar. The artist expanded with the insight that behind our masked faces this year, the light in the eyes has been more central than ever to reflect who we are and how we feel. She continues, “We look deeply into each other's eyes, becoming carriers of light with eyes that connect, understand, and shine.”

The art experience features interactive personal writing prompts, live solo performances by select members of the Florida Orchestra, and live poetry creation by Giovanni Cerro, aka Gio Typos. Gio brings his typewriter to create on-demand, personalized poetry catered to each request.
"When Katee and I started talking about this installation, we wanted it to feel like coming home late at night and having a light left on for you. This small gesture by a loved one of "leaving a light on" offered a sense of security and conveyed love. We thought our community could benefit from a few nights of feeling the comforting beacon of a light left on," says Bob Glaser, President & CEO, Smith & Associates Real Estate.

Inspiration Poem for The Long Nights: How the Light Gets In, created by Katee Tully

As this exceptional year winds down, there is a collective eagerness to bring joy into our lives by connecting to the joyous delight of the holiday season. The Winter Solstice is a traditional celebration of the tip into welcoming the light back in as the days begin to get longer. The Long Nights: How the Light Gets In" will offer social distancing precautions and be a free, outdoor event to reignite relationship to poetry and a sense of returning to brighter days.

The Long Nights: How the Light Gets In

Description: Smith & Associates Real Estate, in partnership with The Poetry Bar, presents an immersive art experience celebrating the radiant power of light to inspire joy.

This free event is brought to you by Smith & Associates Real Estate.